Recommended Services
Supported Scripts
Refund Policy
Refund Policy
If you are unhappy or not satisfied, with any aspect of our service, please contact our support who will attempt to rectify the situation. If the problem cannot be fixed and you are unhappy with the service you will be given a full refund . We also accept account cancellation submitted from the registered email address of the account holder. Phone requests will not constitute acceptance of any cancellation.We will issue the refund on the same payment method you paid. We process refunds within 7 working days.
Non-refundable service
Refunds are not available for .COM, .NET, .ORG or any other domain names, Domain Transfer In fees, all other services software license, etc. Credit on your account cannot be refunded and must be used for purchases and renewals.
Refund is not applicable for any service and domain renewal payment. No refunds are provided for VPS or Dedicated servers under any circumstances.
No refund for Monthly any hosting service
Refunds and 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
This section describes’s refund policy and 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If you purchase an account with a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee and cancel during the first thirty (30) days of your term, you may receive a full refund of all basic hosting fees paid. If your hosting plan included a free domain name and you cancel the Services, there is a non-refundable domain fee. This fee not only covers our own costs, but you are welcome to keep the domain name and transfer it or point it to elsewhere.